Awesome ideas for your special needs child’s light box. Light boxes Encourage Visual Processing and Colour Recognition.

Skeleton leaves!
This is another of our money saving light panel ideas.
These are real leaves.
The leaves have the fleash removed just leaving the leaf skeleton. These are in a pastel colour.
I brought the leaves in a pack on eBay. I think they cost around £2 and the pack size was a lot larger then what we used.
Some of
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Train theme light panel!
This is one of our d.i,y light box themed. This was very simples to make.but the best part is that it was also very cheap too!
i would not recommend this one for anyone still in the mouthing stage. The bits are small enough to fit inside the mouth and could pose a risk.
light panel toys
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Rainbow shapes and animals light box
A quick and easy guide to make a rainbow shapes and animals sensory light box.
Click on the pictures or the blue links to be taken to the seller's website.
Step 1: First you need to buy a light box/light panel, I can't find our one for sale any more, but here is one from Amazon:
Step 2: Buy some rainbow transparent
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Jumping frog counting light box
A quick and easy guide to make a jumping frog counting light box.
Click on the pictures or the blue links to be taken to the seller's website.
Step 1: First you need to buy a light box/light panel, I can't find our one for sale any more, but here is one from Amazon:
Step 2: You can buy the jumping frogs
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Rainbow paddle light box
A quick and easy guide to make a rainbow paddle sensory light box.
Click on the pictures or the blue links to be taken to the seller's website.
Step 1: First you need to buy a light box/light panel, I can't find our one for sale any more, but here is one from Amazon:
Step 2: Buy a colour paddle set,
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