This is one of our d.i,y light box themed. This was very simples to make.but the best part is that it was also very cheap too!
i would not recommend this one for anyone still in the mouthing stage. The bits are small enough to fit inside the mouth and could pose a risk.
light panel toys and accerices always run at a highe cost then the light panels. This is somthing you need to think about before buying a light panel.
but if you are crafty you can make some toys and save yourself some money on buying retail.
Here we started with the track. The track is a laminating pouch with a sharpie track drawn on. Once the track was drawn the best I could get it. I tried a few times but I’ve not got very steady hands we lamated it.
It was white before adding the heat and after it was clear just leaving the track.
The translarent trains,planes,cars and boats are actually mini beads. In the uk we call them pony beads but I think that is brand name. These bead cost around £1 and free delivery on eBay so very affordable .
lastly I used some shot glasses we had been using before on the light panel. Then I drew on some trees with a black sharpie.
Could not decided what kind of trees would be best so I did a different tree on each glass. This seemed to work very well and give a nice effect.
Our light panel used here is the older style tick it a3 light panel with the higher sides.
If ive missed anything out or you need anymore details please comment or message me hopefully this is helpful for money saving on light panel toys.