These are our new ball pool balls.
Our balls before this where the cheaper kind and we started to have problems of them going flat just just out right bursting.
Just before Christmas I decided we needed to replace our balls due to the cheaper Asda/Argos style ones being so sold they had become unsafe.
Edwin tends to jump off the back of the room. He climbs up on the soft play shapes and jumps in either head or feet frist. This is what was making the balls burst and once they had burst they had very sharp edges. This was very dangerous and had to be sorted out.
The balls cost £75.
I wanted the proper soft play style ball pool balls and was quoted £100 for 500 from soft play creation station but found 500 for £75 and decided to go with that. This was a mistake as these balls are not the ones I wanted!
These are smaller and softer and are likely to have the same problems as the ones I trow away in a year or two. But since they where better then what we had we kept them.
I still intend to buy the soft play balls but I’m going to wait a while and see how these hold up first so I don’t end up wasting £75.
i would suggest going with trusted retailer or seller over a cheaper price quality is always worth paying for and I’ve learnt my lesson here!