This is our glowing rice. This rice glows brightly under uv light.
I acutcally made this rice myself. At the time I did not know if it would work or not. What I used to make the rice glow is the ink from inside a high lighter pen.
All I did was cut open the pen and took out the link pad. I did glowing water beads the same way. I will up glowing water beads at some point.
i cut open the ink pad witch I took from inside the pen. I used both green and yellow pens.
I used a plastic party cup to add a few drops of water. I used the ink pad to colour the bit of water I had in the cup.
this seemed to take forever so I just added more water. Still only covering the bottom of the plastic cup.
i left the ink pad in the cup overnight until the water was coloured.
once I had the right colour in the water I used it to colour the rice. Using this water instead of food colouring is what give the rice the glowing effect.
rice rice looked only slightly tinted in the light.
but when tried it with the uv light it had a lovely green glow.
i noticed the letters on the fridge glowing. So I took them and addded them to the box.
i took some plastic shot glasses frm out light panel and added them to add to the glowing effect.
two empty play dough pots also had a light glowing effect under the uv light bulb.
the only thing we could not find that would glow is the scoops witch are just pink. These are measureing spoons from Poundland.
Edwin played with this box for a hour and half both with and without the uv light on.