How to grow water beads

In this tutorial you will learn how to grow water beads. Water beads are great for sensory play, encouraging children to practice their fine motor skills and colour recognition, they are also very fun to squish and get things very messy!

Step 1: Buy some water beads from here:

Step 2: Find a bowl or a container, if you haven’t got one, geta pretty big one from here:


Step 3: Next open some packets and pour some water beads into the bowl:


Step 4: Next fill the bowl with water:


Step 5: Wait:


Step 6: Wait more!:


Step 7: Pour into a colander to drain the water, if you don’t have one, you can find one at your local pound shop:


Step 8: You’re done, now find a storage container and pour them all in and let your little one play away, our son loves water beads, he especially like squishing them, its made his grip pretty  strong!

BEWARE: Do NOT let your child ingest a water bead, they expand by absorbing water, your body is full of fluids and if your child ingests one it can expand and block their digestive system and cause a lot of pain or even death if they swallow too much, keep your eye on your child at all times when they play with water beads.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section.

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